PhotoTalks: Need adjustable color for arrow

Need adjustable color for arrow

Ronnie with a V on 3-Sep-2009
My early experience with
httphotos has been good; however, when using the SimpleViewer template, I
can't see the arrow that reveals more thumbnails. Only 9 thumbnails are
visible at a time, and the white "forward" arrow to reveal more
thumbnails will remain white regardless of background and text color.
Therefore, I'm forced to have a colored or black background to be able
to see the arrow. Otherwise, visitors will not realize the gallery has
more than 9 photos. I feel the arrow should be modified by whatever
color is chosen for the text. Only then will I be able to comfortably
use a white background.
GreG on 4-Sep-2009
Understood, I face the same issue
once and already thought about fixing it in a next version.
Thanks for the feedback, always deeply appreciated.
Ronnie with a V on 4-Sep-2009
Thank you for the reply,
GreG. After making a photo album, I noticed the arrow GIF file in my
folder. I'm thinking I might replace that with my own graphic and see it
that shows up fine.

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