About the parse evolution
Je reposte ma dernière version (commentée) d'async-parser en espérant que ça va donner des idées à Carl et aux autres.

(sorry for my frenglish)
In this script a tested various techniques to improve
the parse dialect.
The source is a little bit tricky to read (i like compact code)
So i have to explain some things...

The main func is [parse-seek] and accept as input a file name
and a block of parsing rules.
It's an attempt to parse a stream file, only the data requested 
to fill the rules are loaded.
When the rules complete or fail, the port file is closed.

[Buffer] contain the current chunck of the file.
[Getf] is the code block wich load data into the buffer when it's necessary.

Now the problem is to modify the input rules to add [getf] in the requested places.
To do this, i used [parse] again with a special set of rules called [meta-rules].
I took the opportunity to add 2 new commands in the parse dialect:
[failed] do a skip end to abort the parsing.
[geti word! integer!] set a word with an integer stored in
little endian format.
	ex: 	geti var 1	-> load an unsigned 8 bits integer
		geti var 2	-> load an unsigned 16 bits integer
		geti var 3	-> load an unsigned 24 bits integer.
		geti var 4	-> load a signed 32 bits integer
(see the tests below to see an usage)

When the changes are made, the block of rules is flaged
so that it can be reused by [parse-seek] without
the need to reconstruct the rules. 
It is why the input rules are directly modified and not
copied before the construct.

	file: %async-parser.r
	author: guest2
context [
	&: &&: port: stop: n: none
	buffer: make binary! 5000
	failed?: false
	failed: [(failed?: true ) end skip]
	..: func [blk] [change/part & compose/deep blk && ]
	getf: [(
		if n > length? buffer [
			append buffer copy/part 
					at port index? tail buffer 
					max 50 n + 1 - length? buffer]
	set 'parse-seek func [
		file [file! url!] rules [block!]
		/local result new oopen convert-string meta-rules
		oopen: pick [open/read/seek 	open/read/seek/binary] not binary
		convert-string: pick [
			 [&: binary! &&: (.. [(as-string &/1)]) :&]
			 [&: [string! | char!] &&: (.. [(as-binary form &/1)]) :&]
		] not binary
		buffer: head buffer
		either 5000 < length? buffer [buffer: make binary! 5000 recycle][clear buffer]
		failed?: false
		unless rules/1 = 'constructed [
			parse rules meta-rules: [
				some [
					| &: any-string! &&: (.. [[buffer: (to-paren compose [n: (length? &/1)]) getf (&/1)]]) :& skip 
					| integer! 'skip &&: (.. [[buffer: (to-paren compose [n: (&/1)]) getf n skip]]) :& skip
					| 'skip &&: (.. [[buffer: (to-paren [n: 1]) getf skip]]) :& skip
					| 'get word! integer! &&:
						(.. [[
							buffer: (to-paren compose [n: (&/3)]) getf 
							(to-paren compose/deep [
								set [(&/2)] to integer! as-binary cp/part buffer (&/3)
								buffer: skip buffer (&/3)
							]) :buffer
						]]) :& skip
					| 'failed &&: (.. [failed]) :& skip
					| 'end 'skip 
					| ['to | 'thru] 'end
					| 'thru skip &&: (.. [some [(&/2) break | skip | failed]]) :& 
					| 'to skip &&: (.. use [pos][[some [pos: (&/2) :pos break | skip | failed]]]) :& 
					| word! &&: (if find [string! char!] type?/word get/any &/1 [.. [(to-string get &/1)] &&: &]) :&& 
					| paren! | path! | into meta-rules
					| skip
			new: reduce ['constructed cp/deep rules]
			clear change rules new
		port: (do oopen file)
		if error? set/any 'result try [parse/all buffer rules/constructed][close port throw result]
		close port
		either failed? [false][:result]

;halt ;**** DISCARD ME  *****

prin "*** TEST: is this a Rebol script ? -> "
probe parse-seek/binary %async-parser.r [
	"REBOL" any [" " | tab] "[" to end
	| thru "^/REBOL" any [" " | tab] "[" to end  

print  "*** TEST: get size of a JPEG file ****"
print "(note it's incomplete, it currently doesn't work with all jpg files)"

if parse-seek/binary probe %IMG_8001.jpg [
        #{FFD8}   ; jpeg Header
                 #{FFE0}           	          	;* JFIF header
                        geti len 2         	     	;* get block length  (2 bytes)
                         "JFIF"                 	;* yeah it's a JFIF (confirmation)
                        (len: len - 6) len skip 	;* skip this block
                        some [
                                 #{FFC0}        	;* good ! i found the length properties block.
                                        2 skip  	;* don't need to know the length of this block.
                                        skip   		;* filler ??? always = #{08}
                                        geti height 2	
                                        geti width 2
                                        break   	;* finished

                                | #{FF} skip    	;* skip the block.
                                        geti len 2 
                                        (len: len - 2) len skip
                                        failed		;* error in the format

                | #{FFE1}                       	;* EXIF header
                        geti len 2               	;* get length of the block
                                                	;* ... TO DO 
        to end
   ?? height
   ?? width
Ca m'apprendra à faire des modifs de dernière minute.

At line 71, replace:
					| 'get word! integer! &&:

					| 'geti word! integer! &&:

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